Infrastructure Grant Support

Student working on a laptop

DQHS serves as the quantitative health sciences specialized cores to several UH and JABSOM infrastructure grants.

Pacific Innovations, Knowledge, and Opportunities (PIKO)

Pacific Innovations, Knowledge, and Opportunities logo of kalo or taro plant

 Through funding from the Institutional Development Award Networks of Clinical and Translational Research (IDeA-CTR), the Center for Pacific Innovations, Knowledge, and Opportunities (PIKO) (PI: K. Kaholokula, U54GM138062 ) was established to foster the development and facilitate the implementation of innovative and evidence-based clinical and translational (CTR) projects aimed at improving the health of Indigenous Pacific People (defined as Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders and Filipinos) and other underserved populations in Hawaiʻi. The PIKO collaborative, which represents a partnership between the University of Hawaiʻi (UH), Hawaii Pacific University (HPU), Chaminade University of Honolulu (CUH), and a large statewide network of 18 practice-based organizations (PBO) and other community-based organizations (CBO), will develop new and leverage existing resources to ensure real-world impact.

Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) Core aims to provide insight and increase mentoring opportunities in seven component areas of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Research Design, Data Science, Psychometrics, Mixed Methods, and Economic Analysis to expand the overall capacity for high-quality clinical and translational research. Innovative features of the BERD Core include the analysis and visualization of extremely large datasets (data science), and the analysis of cost-effectiveness and sustainability of interventions (health economics). Consultation, training, and mentorship in these research methodology/analysis areas lead to research projects, dissemination (e.g., peer-reviewed publications), and extramural research grants/contracts. BERD Core also conducts database design/collection and analysis, including using REDCap.

Ola HAWAII (Heath And Wellness Achieved by Impacting Inequalities)

Ola HAWAII (Heath And Wellness Achieved by Impacting Inequalities) logo of kalo or taro plants and the Hawaiian Islands

U54 Ola Hawaii grant (MPI: J. Hedges, N. Mokuau U54MD007601) funded by National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) is an integrated, translational research initiative helps key University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa basic science cores and clinical research currently provided through the JABSOM and Myron B. Thompson School of Social work U54 RMATRIX-II collaboration. It is intended to support health disparities investigators and community partners to harness the power of diverse thought to determine the causes of and interventions for health disparities in Hawaii.

In collaboration with experts in research ethics, the DQHS serves as the Biostatistics, Research Design and Research Ethics Core and provides a centralized resource for research methodology skills needed to conduct appropriately designed, hypothesis-driven biomedical research and ensure that all researchers implement ethical principles in biomedical research.


Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Network for Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) logo

Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Network for Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) grant (PI: R. Nichols, P20GM103466) funded by National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) is a statewide program with our undergraduate institutions and community colleges. INBRE mission is to get students involved in biomedical research from the beginning of their college experience.

QHS serves as the INBRE Bioinformatics/Biostatistics Core and provides relevant bioinformatics, computational, and biostatistical support for all junior investigators, their staff, and INBRE affiliated investigators and students. The core offers comprehensive bioinformatical and biostatistical service and support, research, and training and education.

Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE)

The Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Phase 1 awards aim to fulfill the development of research infrastructure and support junior investigators through mentorship and funding across the nation.

The COBRE-Diabetes grant (PI: M. Gerschenson, P20GM113134) is funded by the NIGMS and supports projects in the basic sciences to further understand pre-diabetes and diabetes among the different ethnic groups in Hawaiʻi. QHS provides bioinformatics and biostatistical support to research projects supported by the grant and provides services as a part of the Genomics and Bioinformatics Shared Resource Core.

The Integrative Center for Precision Nutrition and Human Health grant (PI: M. Berry, P20GM139753) funded by NIGMS supports the investigation of how ethnic, cultural and community factors, affecting nutrition, behavior and lifestyle, interact with molecular pathways and impact health outcomes among individuals. DQHS Bioinformatics Core supports projects working with omics data and approaches under this initiative.

Pacific Center for Emerging Infectious Disease Research

Pacific Center for Emerging Infectious Disease Research (PCEIDR) logo

Pacific Center for Emerging Infectious Disease Research (PCEIDR) grant (PI: R. Yanagihara, P30GM114737) is funded by National Institute of General Medical Sciences. The principal objective of the Phase III COBRE for emerging infectious diseases is to enhance the conditions that accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, heighten research productivity and increase competitiveness for extramural funding.

DQHS serves as the Bioinformatics Core and provides relevant bioinformatics, computational, and biostatistical support to include research design, database design and management, data analysis, results interpretation and dissemination, and quantitative health sciences training.