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MS Curriculum

Plan A
  • 34 total credit hours for the MS program
  • 24 didactic credit hours of approved didactic core and elective course work (must be taken for an A-F grade)
  • 2 seminar credits hours as a core requirement (A-F grade)
  • Minimum of 8 research credit hours from BIOM 700 or BIOM 699 or QHS 699**
  • Form 2 submitted upon appointment of thesis committee and approval of research topic in Fall of second year
  • Form 3 submitted upon approval of oral defense
  • Form 4 submitted upon approval of content and format of finalized thesis manuscript
Plan B
  • 34 total credit hours for the MS program
  • 28 didactic credit hours of approved didactic core and elective course work (must be taken for an A-F letter grade)
  • 2 seminar credits hours as a core requirement (A-F grade)
  • Minimum of 4 research credits from BIOM 699, QHS 699 or QHS 676
  • MSQHCR Master’s Plan B Pre- Candidacy Form submitted upon approval of capstone committee and approval of capstone project.
  • MSQHCR Plan B Internal Evaluation Form submitted upon approval of capstone project presentation and paper.
  • Capstone project and paper must be submitted at least 3 weeks before end of semester during which degree is conferred.

Section A. MS Required Core Courses

Course # Course Title Credit Hours
BIOM 640 Introduction to Clinical Research 3
QHS 646 Quantitative Health and Clinical Research Seminar* 2
*Enrollment in this one-credit seminar each semester for A-F grade is required for the first year.


Section B. Track Required Courses

  1. Clinical Research (CR) Track
    Course # Course Title Credit Hours
    QHS 600 Biostatistics Concepts for Clinical Researchers 3
    QHS 601 Fundamentals of Biostatistics* 3
    CMB 626 Ethics in Biomedical Research 2
    *Clinical Research track students are required to enroll in QHS 600. Based on eligibility and instructor approval, students may qualify to register for QHS 601 instead or in addition to QHS 600.
    Plan A:
    BIOM 700 MS Thesis Research 8+**
    Elective Courses 16+
    Plan B:
    QHS 699 or BIOM 699 Directed Research 4+
    Elective Courses 20+
    **Plan A requires that at least 6 research credits are from BIOM 700.
  2. Quantitative Health Sciences (QHS) Track
    Course # Course Title Credit Hours
    QHS 601 Fundamentals of Biostatistics 3
    QHS 602 Generalized Linear Models 3
    Plan A:
    BIOM 700 MS Thesis Research 8+*
    Elective Courses 15+
    Plan B:
    BIOM 699 or QHS 699 or
    QHS 676
    Directed Research
    Biostatistical Consulting Practicum
    Elective Courses 19+
    *Plan A requires that at least 6 research credits are from BIOM 700.

Section C. Selected Elective Courses

To be selected by the student and his/her thesis advisor and committee according to the student’s interests and needs (Please see UH Manoa graduate catalog for additional and updated course listings).

  1. From QHS
    Course # Course Title Credit Hours
    BIOM 615 Introduction to Clinical Nutrition 3
    BIOM 644 Translational Research Methods 2
    BIOM 647 Cultural Competence in Biomedical Research 3
    BIOM 654 Medical Genetics 2
    QHS 401 Math Preparation for Quantitative Health Sciences 3
    QHS 605 Data Management & Visualization for Health Sciences 3
    QHS 610 Bioinformatics I 3
    QHS 611 Bioinformatics II 3
    QHS 620 Introduction to Clinical Trials 2
    QHS 621 Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials 2
    QHS 650 Secondary Data Analysis 3
    QHS 670 Special Topics in Quantitative Health 1-4
    QHS 675 Biostatistical Consulting 2
    QHS 676 Biostatistical Consulting Practicum 1-2

  2. From Other Related Programs
    Course # Course Title Credit Hours
    Cell & Molecular Biology (CMB)
    CMB 606 Introduction to Neurosciences 4
    CMB 625 Advanced Topics in Genetics 2
    CMB 640 Neuropharmacology 2
    Geography (GEOG)
    GEOG 388 Introduction to GIS 3
    GEOG 389 GIS Data Visualization 3
    GEOG 489 Applied Geographic Information Systems 3
    GEOG 680 Geospatial Analysis of Natural Resource Data 3
    Information and Computer Sciences (ICS)
    ICS 614 Medical Informatics I 3
    ICS 624 Advanced Data Management 3
    ICS 635 Machine Learning 3
    ICS 663 Pattern Recognition 3
    Molecular Biosciences & Bioengineering (MBBE)
    MBBE 650 DNA and Genetic Analysis 2
    MBBE 683 Advanced Bioinformatics Topics for Biologists 4
    Public Health Sciences (PH)
    PH 650 Ecological Epidemiology 2
    PH 658 Computer Applications in Public Health 3
    PH 663 Principles of Epidemiology I 3
    PH 664 Principles of Epidemiology II 3
    PH 669 Epidemiology Study Design Critique 2
    PH 689 Nutritional Epidemiology 3
    PH 747 Statistical Methods in Epidemiologic Research 3
    Tropical Medicine (TRMD)
    TRMD 675 Epidemiology of Tropical Infectious Diseases 3

Last updated: 02/09/2024

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